High Yield ETF Tracker (YieldMax, Defiance, Roundhill, Kurv, Neos)

This tool is meant to track the performance of various high yield etfs. Use this as a reference to educate yourself but not as financial advice. The data below is tracked from the etf's inception so your personal timing and data may be different. Total dividend distributions is the equivalent of owning 1 share of the asset.

Some of the numbers may be off as the data updates periodically. Additionally funds may switch frequency which can affect the numbers.

This was inspired by The MAUI Weatherman's original google spreadsheet that allows you to estimate the # of shares you need to buy yourself a certain amount of income.

Defiance ETFs

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
QQQY Defiance Nasdaq 100 Enhanced Options Income ETF $60.41 $31.580 23.1307% -18.3827% $1.67 $17.73
WDTE Tidal Trust II - Defiance S&P 500 Enhanced Options & 0DTE Income ETF $60.01 $39.390 37.8133% 13.0870% $1.55 $28.47
SPYT Tidal Trust II Defiance S&P 500 $19.92 $19.400 21.0492% 9.0964% $0.34 $2.33
TRES Defiance Treasury Alternative Yield ETF $20.03 $16.900 5.0134% -11.0939% $0.16 $0.91
QQQT Defiance Nasdaq 100 Income Target ETF $19.94 $19.220 6.4218% -0.4087% $0.21 $0.64
USOY Defiance Oil Enhanced Options Income ETF $19.94 $18.850 22.3573% 8.2543% $0.91 $2.74
IWMY Tidal Trust II $60.57 $30.050 27.8059% -18.6969% $1.97 $19.20

Defiance ETFs with Dividend Reinvestment(DRIP)

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
QQQY Defiance Nasdaq 100 Enhanced Options Income ETF $60.41 $31.580 27.8082% 14.5588% $1.67 $21.31
WDTE Tidal Trust II - Defiance S&P 500 Enhanced Options & 0DTE Income ETF $60.01 $39.390 49.3254% 77.6197% $1.55 $37.14
SPYT Tidal Trust II Defiance S&P 500 $19.92 $19.400 22.1351% 18.0736% $0.34 $2.45
TRES Defiance Treasury Alternative Yield ETF $20.03 $16.900 5.1131% -6.5820% $0.16 $0.93
QQQT Defiance Nasdaq 100 Income Target ETF $19.94 $19.220 6.4781% -0.3380% $0.21 $0.64
USOY Defiance Oil Enhanced Options Income ETF $19.94 $18.850 23.4299% 14.6425% $0.91 $2.87
IWMY Tidal Trust II $60.57 $30.050 38.1741% 35.8178% $1.97 $26.35

Yieldmax ETFs

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
TSLY YieldMax TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF $40.08 $16.470 21.6532% -13.9396% $0.41 $18.02
OARK YieldMax ARKK Option Income Strategy ETF $20.02 $10.270 25.0208% 3.2597% $0.16 $10.40
CONY YieldMax COIN Option Income Strategy ETF $19.77 $14.090 74.8435% 72.3596% $0.37 $19.99
NVDY YieldMax NVDA Option Income Strategy ETF $19.91 $22.740 68.5246% 124.7921% $1.10 $22.02
AMZY YieldMax AMZN Option Income Strategy ETF $20.05 $19.060 39.4173% 50.5706% $0.93 $11.13
MSTY YieldMax MSTR Option Income Strategy ETF $21.19 $28.660 156.9116% 165.0807% $3.90 $27.51
APLY YieldMax AAPL Option Income Strategy ETF $20.20 $18.010 21.6108% 25.3936% $0.37 $7.32
FBY YieldMax META Option Income Strategy ETF $20.63 $19.080 39.4156% 47.6684% $0.71 $11.38
GOOY YieldMax GOOGL Option Income Strategy ETF $20.50 $17.750 18.1000% 11.9254% $0.09 $5.19
NFLY YieldMax NFLX Option Income Strategy ETF $19.99 $18.530 32.7770% 37.5963% $0.26 $8.98
DISO YieldMax DIS Option Income Strategy ETF $20.16 $17.340 28.7756% 24.0903% $0.53 $7.68
MSFO YieldMax MSFT Option Income Strategy ETF $20.18 $21.580 25.8643% 41.1635% $0.17 $6.91
XOMO YieldMax XOM Option Income Strategy ETF $20.01 $14.520 15.1189% -7.6782% $0.17 $3.95
JPMO YieldMax JPM Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $19.490 20.2685% 23.3270% $0.23 $5.18
AMDY YieldMax AMD Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $12.720 42.4787% 16.9020% $0.31 $10.66
PYPY YieldMax PYPL Option Income Strategy ETF $20.02 $16.200 32.3398% 20.8786% $0.37 $8.00
SQY YieldMax SQ Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $19.670 49.9896% 67.9245% $1.11 $13.91
MRNY YieldMax MRNA Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $15.380 30.2482% 14.3580% $0.00 $7.49
AIYY YieldMax AI Option Income Strategy ETF $20.16 $11.830 39.1561% 0.3041% $0.82 $8.39
YMAX YieldMax Universe Fund of Option Income ETFs $19.90 $19.200 39.3240% 32.8975% $0.72 $7.25
YMAG YieldMax Magnificent 7 Fund of Option Income ETFs $19.89 $20.290 37.2930% 35.2172% $0.63 $6.60
ULTY YieldMax Ultra Option Income Strategy ETF $19.35 $14.300 53.7597% 17.3514% $0.51 $8.41
YBIT YieldMax Bitcoin Option Income Strategy ETF $20.45 $15.910 44.7410% 7.3408% $0.42 $6.04
CRSH YieldMax Short TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $6.270 25.7331% -48.6275% $0.13 $4.00
GDXY YieldMax Gold Miners Option Income Strategy ETF $19.85 $19.110 25.5575% 11.1864% $0.33 $2.96
SNOY YieldMax SNOW Option Income Strategy ETF $20.18 $19.930 45.2237% 22.5500% $0.57 $4.80
ABNY YieldMax ABNB Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $20.130 8.3038% 10.9330% $0.27 $2.06
FIAT YieldMax Short COIN Option Income Strategy ETF $20.01 $8.550 58.3596% -31.2094% $0.48 $5.22
DIPS Tidal Trust II - YieldMax Innovation Inverse Option Income Strategy ETF $20.69 $13.510 37.3251% -19.4659% $0.65 $3.15
BABO Tidal Trust II $20.00 $17.410 47.9799% 4.7960% $0.95 $3.55
YQQQ YieldMax Short N100 Option Income Strategy ETF $19.64 $17.440 20.1869% -4.1777% $0.32 $1.38
TSMY Tidal Trust II $20.03 $19.630 40.4935% 11.4269% $0.48 $2.69
SMCY Tidal Trust II $20.00 $26.140 148.2648% 80.2570% $3.30 $9.91
BIGY Defiance Next Gen Big Data ETF $24.82 $50.170 0.1358% 102.6027% $0.04 $0.12

Yieldmax ETFs with Dividend Reinvestment(DRIP)

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
TSLY YieldMax TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF $40.08 $16.470 33.3378% 79.5298% $0.41 $27.75
OARK YieldMax ARKK Option Income Strategy ETF $20.02 $10.270 34.6548% 56.8318% $0.16 $14.41
CONY YieldMax COIN Option Income Strategy ETF $19.77 $14.090 112.9175% 232.0945% $0.37 $30.15
NVDY YieldMax NVDA Option Income Strategy ETF $19.91 $22.740 106.1931% 342.6067% $1.10 $34.12
AMZY YieldMax AMZN Option Income Strategy ETF $20.05 $19.060 50.5824% 118.5466% $0.93 $14.28
MSTY YieldMax MSTR Option Income Strategy ETF $21.19 $28.660 240.6221% 366.7462% $3.90 $42.19
APLY YieldMax AAPL Option Income Strategy ETF $20.20 $18.010 25.9508% 69.2342% $0.37 $8.79
FBY YieldMax META Option Income Strategy ETF $20.63 $19.080 50.2633% 90.0540% $0.71 $14.52
GOOY YieldMax GOOGL Option Income Strategy ETF $20.50 $17.750 20.4667% 26.6359% $0.09 $5.87
NFLY YieldMax NFLX Option Income Strategy ETF $19.99 $18.530 41.7185% 110.9728% $0.26 $11.42
DISO YieldMax DIS Option Income Strategy ETF $20.16 $17.340 33.8234% 40.4620% $0.53 $9.02
MSFO YieldMax MSFT Option Income Strategy ETF $20.18 $21.580 29.8096% 68.2441% $0.17 $7.96
XOMO YieldMax XOM Option Income Strategy ETF $20.01 $14.520 16.7833% 13.0011% $0.17 $4.39
JPMO YieldMax JPM Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $19.490 22.6429% 35.7281% $0.23 $5.78
AMDY YieldMax AMD Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $12.720 53.9812% 80.1186% $0.31 $13.55
PYPY YieldMax PYPL Option Income Strategy ETF $20.02 $16.200 38.5282% 33.0531% $0.37 $9.53
SQY YieldMax SQ Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $19.670 64.2803% 95.2103% $1.11 $17.89
MRNY YieldMax MRNA Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $15.380 35.0645% 47.9655% $0.00 $8.68
AIYY YieldMax AI Option Income Strategy ETF $20.16 $11.830 48.7197% 12.4237% $0.82 $10.44
YMAX YieldMax Universe Fund of Option Income ETFs $19.90 $19.200 44.9209% 37.6658% $0.72 $8.28
YMAG YieldMax Magnificent 7 Fund of Option Income ETFs $19.89 $20.290 42.2017% 41.3895% $0.63 $7.47
ULTY YieldMax Ultra Option Income Strategy ETF $19.35 $14.300 65.9123% 29.7243% $0.51 $10.31
YBIT YieldMax Bitcoin Option Income Strategy ETF $20.45 $15.910 49.4338% 3.1685% $0.42 $6.67
CRSH YieldMax Short TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $6.270 28.9650% -34.5619% $0.13 $4.51
GDXY YieldMax Gold Miners Option Income Strategy ETF $19.85 $19.110 26.3511% 4.3703% $0.33 $3.05
SNOY YieldMax SNOW Option Income Strategy ETF $20.18 $19.930 46.8692% 7.8455% $0.57 $4.98
ABNY YieldMax ABNB Option Income Strategy ETF $20.00 $20.130 8.3038% 0.6500% $0.27 $2.06
FIAT YieldMax Short COIN Option Income Strategy ETF $20.01 $8.550 63.6086% -15.3586% $0.48 $5.68
DIPS Tidal Trust II - YieldMax Innovation Inverse Option Income Strategy ETF $20.69 $13.510 39.8444% -4.1616% $0.65 $3.37
BABO Tidal Trust II $20.00 $17.410 51.0308% 22.1951% $0.95 $3.77
YQQQ YieldMax Short N100 Option Income Strategy ETF $19.64 $17.440 20.7370% -0.1167% $0.32 $1.42
TSMY Tidal Trust II $20.03 $19.630 42.5027% 25.9131% $0.48 $2.82
SMCY Tidal Trust II $20.00 $26.140 158.2238% 93.9947% $3.30 $10.58
BIGY Defiance Next Gen Big Data ETF $24.82 $50.170 0.1359% 103.5768% $0.04 $0.12

Roundhill ETFs

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
QDTE Roundhill ETF Trust Roundhill N $45.58 $41.170 24.0740% 2.3947% $0.99 $5.50
XDTE Roundhill ETF Trust Roundhill S $52.46 $51.070 10.6914% 5.7863% $0.84 $4.43
RDTE Roundhill Small Cap 0DTE Covered Call Strategy ETF $42.00 $41.200 35.7050% 7.9752% $1.26 $4.15
YBTC Roundhill Bitcoin Covered Call Strategy ETF $48.54 $52.850 45.7804% 51.1477% $1.59 $20.52
YETH Roundhill Ether Covered Call Strategy ETF $49.55 $54.560 53.7891% 25.8793% $2.60 $7.81
XPAY Roundhill ETF Trust $56.00 $57.020 9.8253% 5.2939% $0.65 $1.94

Roundhill ETFs with Dividend Reinvestment(DRIP)

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
QDTE Roundhill ETF Trust Roundhill N $45.58 $41.170 25.5068% 14.8280% $0.99 $5.83
XDTE Roundhill ETF Trust Roundhill S $52.46 $51.070 11.1349% 14.7334% $0.84 $4.61
RDTE Roundhill Small Cap 0DTE Covered Call Strategy ETF $42.00 $41.200 37.2924% 16.6965% $1.26 $4.33
YBTC Roundhill Bitcoin Covered Call Strategy ETF $48.54 $52.850 54.9482% 114.6151% $1.59 $24.63
YETH Roundhill Ether Covered Call Strategy ETF $49.55 $54.560 56.5089% 44.8434% $2.60 $8.21
XPAY Roundhill ETF Trust $56.00 $57.020 9.9064% 8.7149% $0.65 $1.96

Kurv ETFs

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
AMZP Kurv Yield Premium Strategy Amazon (AMZN) ETF $25.07 $30.310 8.3219% 30.3861% $0.32 $2.38
AAPY Kurv Yield Premium Strategy Apple (AAPL) ETF $25.01 $27.620 6.0931% 17.4470% $0.23 $1.75
GOOP Kurv Yield Premium Strategy Google (GOOGL) ETF $24.97 $31.920 8.1795% 37.1558% $0.32 $2.33
MSFY NEOS ETF Trust Kurv Yield Premi $25.07 $28.380 7.3860% 21.6211% $0.28 $2.11
NFLP NEOS ETF Trust Kurv Yield Premi $25.01 $34.410 14.0121% 53.7085% $0.49 $4.03
TSLP NEOS ETF Trust Kurv Yield Premi $25.01 $24.230 13.6803% 12.6230% $0.44 $3.94

Kurv ETFs with Dividend Reinvestment(DRIP)

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
AMZP Kurv Yield Premium Strategy Amazon (AMZN) ETF $25.07 $30.310 8.3219% 30.3861% $0.32 $2.38
AAPY Kurv Yield Premium Strategy Apple (AAPL) ETF $25.01 $27.620 6.0931% 17.4470% $0.23 $1.75
GOOP Kurv Yield Premium Strategy Google (GOOGL) ETF $24.97 $31.920 8.1795% 37.1558% $0.32 $2.33
MSFY NEOS ETF Trust Kurv Yield Premi $25.07 $28.380 7.3860% 21.6211% $0.28 $2.11
NFLP NEOS ETF Trust Kurv Yield Premi $25.01 $34.410 14.0121% 53.7085% $0.49 $4.03
TSLP NEOS ETF Trust Kurv Yield Premi $25.01 $24.230 13.6803% 12.6230% $0.44 $3.94

Neos ETFs

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
QQQI NEOS Nasdaq 100 High Income ETF $49.84 $52.990 8.1822% 13.6057% $0.62 $3.63
SPYI Neos S&P 500(R) High Income ETF $49.13 $50.910 8.9743% 24.3499% $0.50 $10.18
CSHI Neos Enhanced Income Cash Alternative ETF $50.02 $49.940 4.7812% 10.8826% $0.23 $5.52
BNDI Neos Enhanced Income Aggregate Bond ETF $49.84 $47.580 3.7635% 4.1577% $0.20 $4.33
NUSI Nationwide Nasdaq-100 Risk-Managed Income ETF $19.15 $26.160 22.5532% 85.9138% $0.17 $9.44

Neos ETFs with Dividend Reinvestment(DRIP)

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
QQQI NEOS Nasdaq 100 High Income ETF $49.84 $52.990 8.4311% 21.6589% $0.62 $3.74
SPYI Neos S&P 500(R) High Income ETF $49.13 $50.910 9.9528% 50.9633% $0.50 $11.29
CSHI Neos Enhanced Income Cash Alternative ETF $50.02 $49.940 5.0424% 23.1362% $0.23 $5.83
BNDI Neos Enhanced Income Aggregate Bond ETF $49.84 $47.580 3.9310% 13.6589% $0.20 $4.52
NUSI Nationwide Nasdaq-100 Risk-Managed Income ETF $19.15 $26.160 28.9058% 180.9488% $0.17 $12.10

Index ETFs

Asset Symbol Company Name Starting Price Price Yield on Cost Return on Capital Trailing 3 month dividend Total dividend distributions
SPY SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust $300.75 $586.100 6.0248% 127.6447% $1.70 $98.54
QQQ Invesco QQQ Trust $194.15 $514.170 2.0512% 175.9865% $0.67 $21.66
IWM iShares Russell 2000 ETF $155.29 $219.860 86.3847% 511.3712% $231.75 $729.54
Return on Capital vs Yield on Cost since fund inception
DRIP Enabled

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*This is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. We are not financial advisors. Please consult a financial advisor before making any financial decisions. *Yieldmax, Defiance, Roundhill, Neos, Kurv or any other ETF providers listed have no affiliation with Income Reign and own their own respective copyrights. Their trademark, and etf names are their own. We are simply performing calculations on their data. *Our data may not be up to date and is updated daily. If you notice an error let us know and we would be happy to resolve the issue *Note: This data does NOT include fund expenses. Please pay attention to these. The data represented is purely based on dividends delivered and price history.